After years of fits and starts, Organic Montana (OM), a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, has been founded. This nonprofit will slowly take on MOA’s education, farm tour, and other activities except for policy and lobbying. As a 501 (c) 3, Organic Montana is eligible for grant funds and other charitable fundraising that MOA was unable to access because of its 501 (c) 6 trade association status. As a trade association, MOA can engage in unlimited lobbying and policy activity.
The OM Board is Sam Schmidt, President; Wes Henthorne, Vice President; John Wicks, Treasurer; Jennifer Dees, Secretary; Jonda Crosby, Georgana Webster, and Becky Weed. Its activities in the near future will include developing a logo, a brochure, a website, and other founding activities, including fundraising.
1st Soil Health Innovations Conference
Western SARE, an NCAT’s Soil Health Innovations Conference sponsor has up to 30 registration scholarships, worth $75 each, for the virtual conference taking place March 8 – 9, 2021. Find the WSARE Soil Health Innovations Conference Scholarship Application here or attached to this email.
Information about the conference:
Join or renew your MOA membership. Affordable options begin at $30.
Sponsor MOA!Sponsorship: MOA relies on the support of its generous sponsors. Please consider sponsoring the conference or becoming an organizational sponsor.