Virtual Organic University 2020

Montana Organic Association Organic University 2020


Organic University (Organic U) is offered to beginning farmers and those new-to-organic as a virtual workshop as part of the MOA Annual Conference and Business Meeting. It offers the chance to meet seasoned inspectors, producers, and other professionals to learn about how organic certification and production can work for you. The instructors have experience in diverse operations; from small scale direct-to-market to large scale grain, pulse, and livestock operations, as well as experience with alternative crops such as hemp and other oilseeds. Organic U will take place beginning at the end of November and into December.

Register for Virtual Organic University 2020

 The Story of Vilicus Farms – Slides

Doug Crabtree, Farmer and Founder, Vilicus Farms
Paul Neubauer, Farm Foreman, Vilicus Farms and Founder, P/N Ranch yt_logo_rgb_light Vilicus thumbnail cropped

Systems Thinking: Holistic Farming – Slides

Tim Seipel, Montana State University Extension Specialist
Becky Weed, Thirteen Mile Lamb and Wool yt_logo_rgb_light moa conference videos OATS is On the Way to the Rocky Mountain West – Slides
Mallory Krieger, OATS National Program Director and Nate Powell-Palm OATS Trainer yt_logo_rgb_light OATS Thumbnail Introduction to the Organic System Plan – Slides
Margaret Scoles, Executive Director, International Organic Inspectors Association and Nate Powell-Palm, National Organic Standards Board, Inspector, Producer yt_logo_rgb_light osp thumbnail Organic Standards, Inspection, and Certification: Fitting It All Together – NO SLIDES
Georgana Webster, Montana Department of  Agriculture Organic Program and Nate Powell-Palm, National Organic Standards Board yt_logo_rgb_light Organic Standards Crop Insurance for Organic Operations – Slides
Jeff Schahzcenski, Agricultural and Natural Resource Economist,  National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) yt_logo_rgb_light insurance jeff Developing and Preparing Your Organic System Plan- NO SLIDES
Nate Powell-Palm, Judy Owsowitz, Doug Crabtree yt_logo_rgb_light osp 2 Accessing Federal Working Lands Programs – Slides
Jeff Schahzcenski, Agricultural and Natural Resource Economist,  National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) yt_logo_rgb_light federal working lands Ranching Organic Discussion Session
Jess Alger, Rancher, MOA Board & Ty O’Connor, O’Connor Crops and Cattle