MOA News – November 19, 2020

sunflowers and sunset


Governor-Elect Gianforte is requesting submissions for the Department of Agriculture, Board of Livestock, Livestock Loss Board, and other state positions. Applicants should be “well-qualified, dedicated innovators.” Bob Quinn sits on the transition advisory for evaluating submissions.

Candidates should submit a resume and cover letter/statement of interest here: SUBMISSIONS REQUESTED BY NOV.20-21.

Key Assets for applicants:

  1. Demonstrated organizational leadership skills
  2. Should have experience with agriculture (however the candidate does not need to be a farmer)
  3. The Gianforte administration is looking for  “doers, not scorekeepers
  4. The ideal candidate can work with diverse groups and be an agent for change
Biochar Advisory
Jeff Schahczenski, NCAT is seeking farmers to serve on a regional advisory board to evaluate the benefits of biochar. One of the most promising strategies to actually remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is on-farm application of biochar. Biochar can create long-term soil carbon sequestration — measured in centuries rather than years. Biochar is basically charcoal produced through pyrolysis — heating biomass in the absence of oxygen.  Potential feedstocks include wood, manure, grasses and crop residues. MOA SEEKS MEMBERS FOR RESEARCH FOCUS GROUP
MOA is part of a national survey led by the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF) and the Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) to identify the top challenges facing organic farmers and ranchers. The time commitment is approximately 1 1/2 hours and participants will be compensated with a $25 Amazon Gift Card. The virtual focus group will be hosted on Zoom and participants will be able to join via computer or phone. Contact Jamie by December 15, 2020, if you would like to be considered for the focus group. or (406) 546-6572 Register for the MOA Conference
It’s difficult not to be able to meet in person. MOA’s conferences are valued for the comradery, networking, learning, great food, and more!! Every effort is being made to continue connecting with MOA’s organic community. Find below a list of things that you can do to connect, learn, do business, and maybe even have a little fun! There are four steps, plus information about sponsorships below.


First: Register for the conference. MOA wants to make sure you have access to the events you want to attend, but not be bombarded with emails for those sessions that aren’t a good fit. Please register and indicate the sessions you would like to attend so we know to expect you.


Second: Renew your membership or join MOA. MOA has affordable membership rates! If you are a Farm/Ranch or Organic Business Member be sure to check your MOA Business and Resource Directory Listing to see if you need to make any updates. The MOA Business and Resource Directory is one of the most visited pages on our website.

#3 and #4

Third and Fourth: MOA members vote for 2020 Policy Proposals and Board Members.

MOA Policy Proposal Ballot
MOA Board Ballot

Sponsor MOA!

Sponsorship: MOA relies on the support of its generous sponsors. Please consider sponsoring the conference or becoming an organizational sponsor. If you are already an MOA Business Member (or would like to become one), we offer an affordable conference sponsorship for $100. You can also become an annual MOA organizational sponsor to support MOA year round!