This year’s uncommon rains and snow, flooding, and delayed planting and harvesting have brought home the urgent need to address the climate crisis and its impacts on agriculture.
As sustainable, organic farmers and ranchers, we can do much to build the resilience of our farms and ranch operations to extreme weather events, store excess carbon in our soils and trees, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But we cannot do it alone – and now is the time to join thousands of other producers across the nation to ask policymakers and federal administrators to help us meet the challenges of a changing climate and become part of the solution.
As a member group of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, the Montana Organic Association is gathering signatures on a Farmer Letter on Climate Change. Beginning in the spring of 2020, we will use this letter in meetings with members of Congress, USDA program leaders, and other key decision-makers to urge effective policy action to combat climate change, and especially to help farmers and ranchers weather the storm and lead the way towards a more sustainable future. You can view the letter and add your signature at: Farmer Letter on Climate Change Solutions in Agriculture
Note that we are specifically seeking signatures from farmers, as defined by USDA as producers who sell at least $1,000 in farm products annually. If you are a gardener, service provider, advocate, or organic consumer who is not making income from farm products, there are other ways that you can help in our efforts to address the climate crisis in our agricultural and food system. For starters, you could share this sign-on opportunity with the farmers in your networks or at farmers’ markets. As this campaign grows, there will be more opportunities for folks to get involved soon!