
2019 Farm Tour: In It For the Long Haul
Thanks for attending the Johnson Farm Tour sponsored by MOA!
Thank you Matt and Sonja, the Johnson family, and Johnson friends and neighbors for an outstanding day north of Hinsdale!
Thank you to sponsors Columbia Grain International, Montana Milling, Montana Flour and Grain, and Montana Gluten-Free! Thank you MSU Plant Pathologist Dave Sands, Ag Educator Patti Armbrister, and Chef Dyan Carlson.

Visit EventBrite to register for this free event. Your registration will help MOA plan for food.
Events during the day will include:
- Multiple tours throughout the day including Hard Red Spring Wheat, and Oats fields, with variety comparisons, inter-seeding Clover and responsive strategies, airseeder and harrow discussions, input comparisons.
- Expert guest speakers.
- Cooking class with Chef Dyan Carson from Table for Six, Glasgow, MT
- Fun kids’ activities including hayride, pea flower/pod picking, and scavenger hunt
- Organic Advisory and Education Council (OAEC) update
Also unsponsored evening events, donations welcome.
- No-hook up camping spots available
- Rocky Mountain Oyster fry
- Economic comparison of Organic v. Conventional Agriculture System
Tour is free, open to the public. Coffee and scone welcome, lunch, and, late afternoon dessert social will be provided.
Please wear weather-appropriate clothing and footwear and bring camp chairs.