MOA Virtual Conference Sponsorship Packages
Thank you 2020 MOA Conference Sponsors
MOA 2020 Business Membership & Virtual Conference Sponsorship – $350
Year-long Business Membership with voting rights for two individuals that includes a Business and Resource, Directory Listing ($250 value).
Includes Conference Add-Ons for One Year:
Purchase Business Member 2020 Virtual Conference Sponsorship – $350
- Video or advertisement added to your business listing
- Video added to MOA’s YouTube Channel
- Logo on conference slider
- Certificate of Appreciation
If you are already an Annual MOA Business Member or a Lifetime Member, add the 2020 Virtual Conference add-ons for one year at $100.
Purchase Virtual Conference Sponsorship (Already a MOA Member) – $100
Virtual Conference Sponsorship – $200
Purchase Virtual Conference Sponsorship (No Membership) – $200
- Temporary Business and Resource Directory Listing until December 31, 2020
- Video or advertisement added to your temporary business listing
- Video added to MOA’s YouTube Channel until December 31, 2020
- Logo on conference slider
- Certificate of Appreciation
Does not include MOA membership.
QUESTIONS? Contact [email protected]