Help the Organic Farming Research Foundation, the Organic Seed Alliance, and the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center

Good Data Makes a Big Difference
Spread the word! Organic farmers AND transitioning farmers – there are two important surveys on Organic research priorities now open. Survey results will help ensure the increased funding for organic research in the 2018 Farm Bill addresses the unique needs of organic production. Thanks to USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) for supporting this collaborative work by the Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF), Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) and the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center (SESRC). Both surveys close April 1. They are voluntary and confidential. Certified Organic farmers and ranchers – Farmers and ranchers transitioning to Organic certification – If you have any questions about the surveys, contact Lauren Scott: sesrc.nora.survey@wsu.