January 11, 2021 FARM AND FOOD CONTACT(S) Contact: Kate Hansen, policy associate, [email protected], 515.215.1294 ; Teresa Hoffman, policy communications associate, [email protected], 402.687.2100 ext. 1012; or Rhea Landholm, brand marketing and communications manager, [email protected], 402.687.2100 ext 1025. LYONS, NEBRASKA — Crop insurance is an important risk management tool for many farmers, and organic operations come with their own unique set of risks to consider. While crop insurance options […]
Status of Herbicide Resistance in Montana – Prashant Jha : January, 2014
The International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds is a collaborative effort between weed scientists in over 80 countries. Our main aim is to maintain scientific accuracy in the reporting of herbicide resistant weeds globally. This collaborative effort is supported by government, academic, and industry weed scientists worldwide. This project is funded by the Global Herbicide Resistance Action Committee and CropLife […]
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MOA 2020 Policy Proposals Ballot
Voting for policy proposals is for MOA members only. Please make sure you have renewed your membership for 2020. Join or Renew MOA Membership. Ballots must be submitted by 8 am on December 5, 2020. [gravityform id=”71″ title=”true” description=”true”]