
Alternative Energy Resources Organization

Montanans have access to clean energy, healthy food, sustain1able agriculture, and a network that provides leadership, resources and advocacy. LEARN MORE

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Community Food and Agriculture Coalition

CFAC develops and strengthens Missoula County’s food system and that of the surrounding region by:

  • Promoting sustainable agriculture;
  • Building regional self-reliance;
  • Assuring that all have equal access to nutritious, affordable and culturally appropriate food;
  • Advocating for local, state and national policies that promote our local food system.


National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) is an alliance of grassroots organizations that advocates for federal policy reform to advance the sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, and rural communities.

NSAC’s vision of agriculture is one where a safe, nutritious, ample, and affordable food supply is produced by a legion of family farmers who make a decent living pursuing their trade, while protecting the environment, and contributing to the strength and stability of their communities. LEARN MORE


Organic Advisory and Education Council

The Organic Advisory and Education Council (OAEC) is a non-profit organization made up of Montana certified organic farmers whose mission is to assess priority needs for research and education specific to Montana’s organic farming community. OAEC’s mandate is to identify and to target funds for most needed projects. In an equally important role, OAEC provides information and advice to researchers and educators on areas of critical need in the organic community. Learn More.

Organic Farmers Association

The mission of the Organic Farmers Association is to provide a strong and unified national voice for domestic certified organic producers. LEARN MORE


Organic Trade Association

The Organic Trade Association’s mission is to promote and protect ORGANIC with a unifying voice that serves and engages its diverse members from farm to marketplace. OTA’s vision is to grow ORGANIC to achieve excellence in agriculture and commerce, protect the environment and enhance community well-being. LEARN MORE slider_arrow_next.png ota_logo_final_RGB