Casey Bailey

Casey Bailey

Farmer at Clearlake Organic Farm

Casey Bailey farms in Chouteau County, Montana. He holds degrees in Music and Religion with a healthy dose of soil and environmental science electives. He completed a semester in San Francisco, a living-learning community with an urban studies curriculum while working at an inner city recreation center for kids.  He furthered his education traveling to Guatemala with the Center for Global Education and Experience through Augsburg College and the Environmental Studies program at the University of Montana. There he studied the relationship between Environmental and Social Justice through the lens of liberation theology. Before returning to farm full time he was a youth and family director at an ELCA Lutheran church in Great Falls, MT.  There he started the city’s first community garden, took 12 kids to New Orleans after hurricane Katrina, and organized town hall meetings to address current climate, gender, and religious issues.

1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
Gibson Room

Breakout Session 1: Developing Dual Purpose Perennial Grains (Kernza) & Forage (Sainfoin) Production Systems in the Intermountain West

Casey Bailey, Clearlake Organic Farm
Jody Manuel, Prairie Grass Ranch
Erik Engellant, Sqaure Butte Farms