Developing Montana’s organic sector through community

The Montana Organic Association (MOA) brings together people, businesses, organizations, and agencies working to develop Montana’s organic sector and building its community. MOA is proud of its legacy that has led Montana to be a national leader in organic production.

More than organic production.

MOA serves to educate about organic products including food, fiber, and non-food items like cosmetics and household supplies, and provides strategies to limit the use of chemicals in everyday life. MOA advocates for policies that protect the environment, promote healthy living, and support individuals, farms and businesses that are actively engaged in developing sustainable businesses and communities. MOA accomplishes this through hosting events, serving as an educational resource, providing networking opportunities, and through its communications channels.

Your voice matters — become a MOA member today!

MOA keeps membership rates affordable so you can join the growing community of Montana’s organic producers, handlers, retailers, researchers, and consumers. Find the level that works for you: Individual, Household, Farm/Ranch Business, Organic Business, and Lifetime Memberships. Your membership helps MOA set policy and drive legislation that benefits Montana’s organic community.